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Walk for Wellbeing

Our Walk for Wellbeing programme is suitable for all levels of fitness. Whether your new to exercise or returning to exercise following illness, surgery or injury or have a long term health condition we have a programme to suit you. 

Our Walk for Wellbeing programme in Clare is led by our instructor Joanne, a retired nurse with over 40 years experience working with people with long term health conditions and disabilities. As well as being a qualified Nordic & Fitness Walking instructor she has completed additional training in Rehabilitation walking using Activator stability poles and Nordic walking for people with Parkinson’s. Fellow instructor Tony, has also completed additional training in Rehabilitation Walking using Activator poles as well as Nordic Walking for people with Parkinson’s through INWA.

We run both group and one to one classes and a variety of walks that are suitable for all levels of fitness.

Wellbeing Walks

Join us for a gentle well-being walk suitable for all fitness levels, with or without poles. Immerse yourself in the soothing embrace of nature as you stroll through serene landscapes, breathing in the fresh air and embracing the tranquility. Engage in mindful practices, gentle stretches, and meaningful conversations to nurture your well-being. Leave feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to embrace a healthier, more balanced lifestyle. Walk with us on this inclusive journey towards well-being.All of our  instructors lead wellbeing walks. 

Social Walks

Join us for a delightful social walk that will refresh your mind and invigorate your body! Lasting approximately 1 to 1.5 hours, this leisurely stroll is designed to connect like-minded individuals who appreciate the simple pleasures of life. We’ll embark on a scenic route through charming streets and picturesque parks, allowing you to soak in the beauty of nature while engaging in light conversation with fellow walkers. Whether you’re looking to make new friends, enjoy some quality time with loved ones, or simply take a break from your daily routine, this social walk is the perfect opportunity. About halfway through or after our journey, we’ll make a delightful stop at a cozy tea house or café, where you can indulge in a scrumptious spread of tea and cakes or a light meal. It’s the ideal occasion to relax, chat, and savor the delicious treats that await you. No matter your fitness level, this walk is accessible to all. We encourage participants of all ages and abilities to join us in this enjoyable outdoor activity. So lace up your walking shoes, bring a smile, and join us for a delightful social walk where laughter, conversation, and a shared love for exploration are guaranteed.


Walking and Parkinson’s

April is Parkinson’s Awareness Month Every April, the Parkinson’s Foundation engages the global Parkinson’s community to support Parkinson’s Awareness Month.  At Nordic Fitness Ireland we

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Walk 21 Conference

We were delighted to  present our poster at the 2022 Walk 21 conference in Dublin.

Walk 21 Ireland will explore how supporting and encouraging walking and walkable communities can help deliver the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Our poster was displayed under the category Including All People Walking which is looking at encouraging more people to walk more often as a common goal. Understanding the different walking needs of women, children, the elderly, people on low incomes and those with disabilities in particular is helping the Government of Ireland to ensure their policy and investment decisions are inclusive and responsive.

Research has shown that Nordic Walking has huge benefits for people with many long term health conditions as well as Menopausal women. Whilst our poster concentrates on just a few of these areas at Nordic Fitness Ireland we are able to provide instruction for other conditions also.

Frequently Asked Questions

All walking is a great way to improve or maintain your overall health. Just 30 minutes every day can increase cardiovascular fitness, strengthen bones, reduce excess body fat, and boost muscle power and endurance. It can also reduce your risk of developing conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, and some cancers.

To get off on the right foot with one of our walking programmes, it’s important to have the proper clothing: comfortable, well-fitted walking shoes; appropriate socks; and loose-fitting clothing. When you start out there is no need to buy anything special but as your walking activity increases you may want to buy more suitable clothes depending on the type of walking you are doing.

When you first start one of our walking programmes you need comfortable well fitting shoes. There is no need to go out and buy anything special to start with. As you increase your walking activities you may want to buy a more substantial shoe or boots depending on the type of walking you are doing.

Our Walk for Wellbeing is suitable for all levels of fitness. Before you begin with us we will carry out a health assessment and start you on the programme at an appropriate level for you. The programme is progressive so the walking distances will increase as you fitness improves.