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Advanced NW Programme

Our advanced Nordic Walking programme takes your Nordic Walking to the next level. It includes Nordic Trail Running, Advanced Hill Technique and Power Hiking.

These courses are advanced level training in the use of Nordic poles for trail, mountain and ultra running as well as power hiking.

More and more runners and walkers are using poles in mountain and trail races, many with poor technique and pole types which constrain performance potential. Our instructor, Tony, has direct experience in both trekking and Nordic poles across many ultra trail and mountain events and has demonstrated that good Nordic technique improves performance.

Power Hiking

Duration: 2 hours

To attend this class you must have completed a Learn to Nordic Walk class and be able to walk 10K in 1.5 hours to attend this course.

You will  learn how to move quickly across technical and hilly trail terrain in the Burren.

This is ideal training for those wishing to complete mountain trail and ultra marathons when combined with our Nordic Running course.

Poles Provided.

Cost: POA

Private Lesson: POA

Nordic Running

Duration: 1.5 hours

You must complete a Learn to Nordic Walk class and be able to run/walk 5k in 35 mins to attend this class..

Once you have mastered the basics you will then move on to gradually increase pace to running using your poles in an efficient manner to help propel you forward with perceived less effort.

This is ideal training for those wishing to complete mountain trail and ultra marathons when combined with our Power Hiking class

Poles Provided.

Cost: POA

Private Lesson: POA