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Nordic Walking: Correcting Common Mistakes for Optimal Health and Fitness

Nordic Walking: Correcting Common Mistakes for Optimal Health and Fitness

Walking is a fantastic form of exercise, but many people unknowingly make mistakes that can impact its effectiveness. Nordic walking, with its unique technique and specialised poles, not only enhances the benefits of walking but also corrects common mistakes. In this blog post, we will explore how Nordic walking can address these issues and contribute […]

Nordic Walking and Menopause

Nordic Walking and Menopause

Nordic Walking is widely practiced by peri and post menopausal women.  At Nordic Fitness Ireland over 90% of our clients fall into this category, including one of our instructors, who is able to empathise with the challenges women face at this time particularly in relation to exercise. A Natural Transition Menopause is a natural part […]

Nordic Walking in Autumn: Tips for a Refreshing Seasonal Experience

Nordic Walking in Autumn: Tips for a Refreshing Seasonal Experience A Group of Nordic Walkers walking through the woods

As the leaves start to turn golden and the air becomes crisp, there’s no better way to embrace the beauty of autumn than by taking your Nordic walking poles out to enjoy the beauty of nature. We are here to guide you through the nuances of Nordic walking during this splendid season. Dress in Layers […]

Walking the Talk: A Week of Nordic Fitness Ireland in the Spotlight!

Walking the Talk: A Week of Nordic Fitness Ireland in the Spotlight! Hermione cat sitting on the Clare Champion as Tony reads it!

Greetings Nordic Fitness enthusiasts! Joanne and Tony Burke here, your Nordic Walking experts, thrilled to share the whirlwind of media coverage we’ve been basking in this week. It’s been a fantastic journey, and we’re excited to take you along as we celebrate our passion for Nordic Walking and community engagement. Irish Independent: Nordic Walking Benefits […]

Introducing NFI Chatbot: Your Ultimate Guide to Nordic Walking and More!

Introducing NFI Chatbot: Your Ultimate Guide to Nordic Walking and More! Nordic fitness Ireland Chatbot

Hello, Nordic walking enthusiasts! We are thrilled to introduce our newest team member: NFI Chatbot, your friendly Nordic Fitness Ireland chat bot. Yes, you heard it right; we’ve added a digital touch to our Nordic walking world. But don’t worry, NFI Chatbot is not here to steal your walking poles; it’s here to enhance your […]

New Website: Your Gateway to an Enhanced Nordic Walking Journey!

New Website: Your Gateway to an Enhanced Nordic Walking Journey!

Welcome to the official launch of Nordic Fitness Ireland’s brand new website! We are thrilled to present a range of exciting features and functionalities designed to enhance your fitness journey and provide a seamless experience. Our mission has always been to promote Nordic walking as an effective and enjoyable way to improve overall fitness and […]

Natural Health Magazine talks about the mental and physical benefits of Nordic Walking

Natural Health Magazine talks about the mental and physical benefits of Nordic Walking Article

Raise Your Walking Game Interview with the team at Nordic Fitness Ireland. Nordic Walking is a fantastic way to increase your fitness levels, make new friends and improve your mental wellbeing. Read the article.

Are You Getting Enough Sleep?

Are You Getting Enough Sleep? Article

Regular Sleep for a Healthy Future The World Sleep Society (WSS) celebrates World sleep day on Friday, March 19, 2021. The slogan for the 14th annual World Sleep Day® is ‘Regular Sleep, Healthy Future.’  WSD is a call to all sleep professionals to advocate and educate the world about the importance of sleep for achieving an optimal […]

Walking Apps

Walking Apps

Walking apps track walking and offer features like step tracking, distance, duration, speed, calories burned, custom routes, social sharing, and goal setting. They use GPS or sensors in smartphones to analyze data and offer real-time feedback through voices or vibration alerts. Some apps offer competition features to encourage users. Walking apps are popular among those […]

Walking and Parkinson’s

Walking and Parkinson’s

April is Parkinson’s Awareness Month Every April, the Parkinson’s Foundation engages the global Parkinson’s community to support Parkinson’s Awareness Month.  At Nordic Fitness Ireland we are supporting the awareness campaign and talking all things walking with Parkinson’s. Courses for People with Parkinson’s We run specialised courses for people with Parkinson’s. Please get in touch to […]

Foot Care

Foot Care

We were delighted to welcome Katy Andrews to our Nordic Natter on March 13th. Katy is a foot health care practitioner and gave us some great tips on how to look after our feet, so important for walkers. Top Tips from Katy Our feet are one of the most well used parts of our body […]

Warming Up & Stretching Using Nordic Walking Poles

Warming Up & Stretching Using Nordic Walking Poles Article

We are often asked why include a warm-up at the start of our Nordic walking classes and walks and a series of stretches at the end. Let’s be honest it  would be quicker to just get on and do our walk and head home, however warm ups and stretches are essential elements to any exercise routine […]

Nordic Walking and Heart Disease

Nordic Walking and Heart Disease

Approximately 10,000 people die in Ireland from Cardiovascular Disease each year, accounting for 36% of deaths per annum. That’s despite the fact that 80% of all heart disease is deemed preventable through some lifestyle changes and modifying risk factors. Aerobic exercise in patients with heart failure improves quality of life and reduces heart failure related […]