Call +353 (0)87 693 6903

Terms & Conditions

To ensure the safety and protection of our customers and walk leaders we ask all participants to abide by the following terms and conditions.

COVID Safety

Nordic Fitness Ireland as achieved the COVID-19 Safety Charter from Fáilte Ireland.

All current COVID-19 restrictions and recommendations in place on the date of walks will apply.

Walk & Class Content

Walks & classes are open to people over the age of 18 only.

Nordic fitness Ireland offers a variety of walks & classes for all different fitness levels. Please ensure you read the walk/class description before booking to ensure you have the necessary fitness levels. Walk leaders reserve the right to tell customers if they feel the walk booked is not suitable for them.

Nordic or Exerstrider Fitness Walking poles are required for all walks unless otherwise stated.

Participants must have completed training in Nordic or fitness pole walking to join our walks.

Participant Responsibility

Participants are responsible for ensuring they arrive for walks on time. If the person arrives after the departing time stated, walk leaders shall not be obliged to wait for the person and shall treat the walk as being cancelled by them.

The participant hereby agrees that they shall abide by all instructions or directions given by a member of Nordic Fitness Ireland or third-party guide engaged by Nordic Fitness Ireland and hereby agrees to indemnify Nordic Fitness Ireland against any loss or injury suffered or incurred by any other person because of the participant failure to act in accordance with any such instructions.

Nordic Fitness Ireland shall not be liable for any physical injuries, casualties, loss, or damage caused by any events beyond the actual control of the company. Customers hereby agree to follow at their own risk any of the recommendations given by Nordic Fitness Ireland, furthermore, customers agree not to hold the company responsible for injury or death resulting from accidents.

The participant agrees to accept the authority and decisions of Nordic Fitness Ireland’s employees, representatives, and agents whilst participating in any walking activity arranged by them. If in the opinion of such persons, the health, level of fitness or conduct of a participant at any time before or after departure appear likely to endanger the safe, comfortable, or happy progress of the walking activity, the participant may be excluded from all or part of the walk without refund or recompense.

In the case of ill-health of a participant, Nordic Fitness Ireland may make such arrangements as it sees fit and recover the costs thereof from the client. If a participant commits an illegal act, the participant may be excluded from the walking activity and Nordic Fitness Ireland shall cease to have responsibility to/for them.

If you are affected by a condition, medical or otherwise, that might affect you or other people’s enjoyment or active participation of the walk, you must advise us at the time of booking. No refund will be given for any unused services.

It shall be the participants responsibility to disclose to Nordic Fitness Ireland any physical or mental condition which may be relevant. Nordic Fitness Ireland reserves the right to decline or provide a walk for a disabled person where in their opinion the walk would be unsuitable for the special needs of a disabled person.


Without prejudice to the consumer’s rights if the participant wishes to make a complaint in relation to a walk, he must immediately inform Nordic Fitness Ireland’s representative at and shall, if required complete a form setting out the detail of the complaint. If the participant fails to comply with such requirement, Nordic Fitness Ireland shall be entitled to recover the cost from the participant of any additional expenses incurred by it in carrying out subsequent investigation of a complaint which is found to be unjustified.

The participant shall be obliged to notify Nordic Fitness Ireland in writing of any complaint not later than 28 days after their return or termination of the walk whichever is the earlier. The Company can be contacted at Nordic Fitness Ireland, Burkedale House, Carhue, Ennistymon, Co. Clare, V95H9H9.


Nordic Fitness Ireland shall not be liable for any damage caused to the participant by the failure to perform the contract or the improper performance of the contract where the failure or the improper performance is due neither to any fault of Nordic Fitness Ireland or retailer acting on its behalf nor to that of another supplier of services:

a) the failures which occur in the performance of the contract are attributable to the participant;

b) such failures are attributable to any third parties unconnected with the provision of the services contracted for, with whom the participant makes individual direct arrangements whether as a result of Nordic Fitness Ireland’s or its representative’s recommendation and are unforeseeable or unavoidable; or

c) such failures are due to:
– unusual and unforeseeable circumstances beyond the control of Nordic Fitness Ireland, the retailer acting on his behalf or other supplier of services the consequences of which could not have been avoided even if all due care had been exercised; or
– an event which the Company, the Retailer acting on his behalf or the supplier of services, even with all due care could not foresee or forestall. In the case of damage other than death or personal injury or damage caused by defamation or by the wilful misconduct or gross negligence of Nordic Fitness Ireland the amount of compensation which will be paid to the participant will be limited to an amount equal to the inclusive price of the activity to the adult concerned and in the case of Nordic Fitness Ireland’s liability will not exceed any limitation applicable under any international convention governing or relating to the provision of the service complained of in the place where they are performed or due to be performed even if that convention has not been ratified or applied in the Republic of Ireland.

Cancellations By Nordic Fitness Ireland

Nordic Fitness Ireland reserves the right to alter, change, curtail or cancel a walk or class.

If Nordic Fitness Ireland cancels a walk or class due to insufficient numbers, inclement weather or Government restrictions, a full refund, or the option to transfer to another walk or class will be made to the participant.

Cancellation By Participants

Transfer of pay as you go bookings for walks and lessons can be made once only up to 24 hours prior to the start of the class. 

There is no refund or transfers for cancellations made with less than 24 hours’ notice.

There are no refunds for class passes.

Any refunds for classes and lessons are subject to a 10% admin fee. 

Cancellation of Special Events

This policy relates to Special Events such as Walk & Afternoon Tea, Poles Picnic & Prosecco, Specialist walks with external guide. These events will be marked as Special Events on our Calendar.

All Special Events must be paid for in full at the time of booking.

In the event of cancellation, the following refunds will apply:

Cancellation by Nordic Fitness Ireland

Alternative date (subject to availability) or 100% refund.

Cancellation by Participant

– applies to everyone in the group.

More than 1 Week prior to the event – Alternative date offered (subject to availability) or 100% refund minus 10% admin fee.

48 Hours prior to the event – Alternative date offered (subject to availability) or 50% refund.

24 hours prior to the event – No Refund or Alternative date.

NB: Dates can only be transferred on one occasion.

Cancellation of Holidays using External Agency

A 15% booking deposit will be taken by Nordic Fitness Ireland to secure your place.

In the event you are unable to attend the holiday this deposit will be returned if your place can be re allocated. There will be a 10% Admin fee. If your place cannot be reallocated your deposit will be lost.

Full balance of payment must be paid 4 weeks prior to the start date of the holiday.

The cancellation policy of the external agency will apply. Copies of this on request.



Registration for Nordic Fitness Ireland workshops are on a per person basis, not per company. Each participant must register individually. Numbers are agreed on a per workshop basis.

Tailored Workshops:

Our workshops are tailored to meet the specific needs of each company. We will work closely with you to customize the content and format to ensure the workshop aligns with your goals and objectives.

Payment & Costs:

Payment for workshop registration is due upon confirmation of the workshop date and content. Payment can be made through Bookwhen. The link for payment will be sent to you. Payments must be made at least 1 week before commencement of the workshop. Please be aware that costs may be incurred during the preparation of your tailored workshop. These costs will be communicated to you during the planning process.


Cancellation Policy:

Cancellations made with more than 48 hours’ notice prior to the scheduled workshop date are eligible for a refund, minus any costs incurred during preparation. For cancellations made with less than 48 hours’ notice, no refunds will be provided.


If you need to reschedule the workshop, please notify us as soon as possible. We will make every effort to accommodate your request and minimise any additional costs. Any costs incurred due to rescheduling will be communicated to you.

Participant Substitution:

If a registered participant is unable to attend the workshop, you may substitute another participant from your company at no additional cost. Please inform us of such substitutions in advance.

Workshop Changes:

Nordic Fitness Ireland reserves the right to make changes to the workshop schedule, content, or location if necessary. We will make every effort to notify registered participants of any such changes in advance.


While Nordic Fitness Ireland strives to provide safe and effective workshops, participants acknowledge that they engage in physical activities during the workshops at their own risk. Participants are responsible for ensuring their fitness level is suitable for the activities involved.

Data Privacy:

Nordic Fitness Ireland values your privacy and will handle your personal information in accordance with our privacy policy. By registering for a workshop, you consent to the collection and use of your personal information for workshop-related purposes.

By registering for a Nordic Fitness Ireland workshop, you agree to these terms and conditions. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

These terms and conditions are designed to ensure clear communication and transparency in our workshop offerings. We look forward to providing you with valuable Nordic walking workshops tailored to your needs.