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Nordic Walking Changed My Life - Noelle's Story

Noelle came to learn to Nordic Walk with Nordic Fitness Ireland in 2018. Since then she has shown huge commitment to improving her, health fitness, & wellbeing. She rarely misses a walk or training session both online or in person. 

We caught up with Noelle to find out why she Nordic Walks.

Why did you decide to learn to Nordic Walk?

“I was looking for something new to help me get fit and also to get me out of the house.  I am a widow and I was grieving the devastating loss of my husband Johnny.  I needed an outlet and I am so grateful that I choose Nordic Walking.  I would even say that Johnny pointed me in the right direction.”

What do you like most about Nordic Walking?

“Nordic walking has literally changed my life. It has given me confidence in my own ability to walk on different terrains and to look forward to that.  My fitness levels have improved massively since I started Nordic walking nearly 3 years ago.  I love the social side of Nordic walking, I have made some great new friends.  Joanne and Tony put a great programme together for all of us including Nordic fit and Nordic circuits to improve our fitness levels.  They then put together great walks for us to do.  I would never have thought that I would enjoy walking so much and even contemplate a walking holiday but thanks to Nordic walking I do.”

How has your fitness changed since Nordic Walking?

“There is no comparison.  My fitness level has changed off the scale.  I can now walk 10km plus comfortably . Prior to starting up Nordic walking I was lucky to walk 2km or less and if I am being honest it was always less.  This is thanks to Nordic fit and Nordic circuits.  With Nordic Fitness Ireland I have walked, climbed hills, gates and styles.  I have managed to walk from stones to stones without being afraid to lose my balance.  Joanne and Tony do exercises with us not only to improve our fitness but also to improve our balance.  This is something that also helps in our lives as we get older.”

What has been your greatest achievement since Nordic Walking?

“OMG there are a few but my first one was climbing Mullaghmore.  I never thought I would be able for this and also to actually enjoy it which I did tremendously.  Again Joanne and Tony got me ready for this climb and it was a tough but an enjoyable experience.  I climbed Moylussa the highest point in Clare.  This has been all down to Nordic walking and the training given by Joanne and Tony prior to any challenge.  I was so happy and very proud of myself when I completed this. You  also get great support from all the other lovely members of Nordic Fitness Ireland.  We cheer each other on and above all we laugh and have fun.  Nordic Walking makes getting fit fun.”

What would you tell other people who want to get fitter?

“I would say get out there its definitely worth it.  You can go at your own pace.  It’s so good for our mental health and that has been true in my case.  I am a widow and needed an outlet to get me out of the house and to get moving.  I decided to get fitter and it’s been the best decision I ever made and thankfully I chose Nordic Walking to get fitter.  I saw it advertised on Facebook and liked the post.  I thought no more of it but Joanne contacted me prior to her classes starting and the rest they say is history.”

Would you recommend Nordic Fitness Ireland to other people?

“I would recommend Nordic Fitness Ireland without hesitation.  You learn  something new.  Nordic walking helps you to get fit and will keep you fit once you stay with it.  Mostly I would recommend Nordic Fitness Ireland because of Joanne and Tony.  They go above and beyond to help everyone with any and all levels of fitness.  They make getting fit fun.  They bring us on fantastic walks.  I have seen more of County Clare and beyond in the last three years than all my life.  I have been to places I did not know existed. I am looking forward to many more adventures with Nordic Fitness Ireland.”