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Introducing the Nordic Walking Skills Tutor
1-Day Course:

Are you a fitness or health professional looking to expand your skillset and provide your clients with a unique and effective way to improve their well-being? Look no further than our Skills Tutor 1-Day Course, tailored specifically for individuals like you who are passionate about promoting healthier lifestyles.

Why Nordic Walking?

Nordic walking has gained recognition worldwide as an exceptional form of physical activity. It combines the simplicity of walking with the addition of specially designed poles to engage the upper body, resulting in a full-body workout that is both low-impact and highly effective. As master trainers with Nordic Fitness Ireland, we have harnessed the power of Nordic walking to provide not only a great form of exercise but also a valuable tool for health professionals like yourself.

Course Highlights

Our Skills Tutor 1-Day Course is designed to equip fitness and health professionals with the knowledge and expertise to incorporate Nordic walking into their existing skill set. Here’s what you can expect from this course:

  1. Comprehensive Introduction to Nordic Walking: Gain a deep understanding of the principles and techniques behind Nordic walking. We’ll cover everything from proper pole usage to body mechanics, ensuring you have a solid foundation to teach this activity effectively.

  2. Health Benefits and Research: As health professionals, you’ll appreciate the importance of evidence-based practices. We’ll delve into the scientific research supporting the health benefits of Nordic walking, such as improved cardiovascular fitness, enhanced posture, and reduced joint strain.

  3. Client Assessment: Learn how to assess your clients’ fitness levels and tailor Nordic walking programs to meet their unique needs and goals. Whether they’re beginners or experienced athletes, you’ll be equipped to provide personalized guidance.

  4. Practical Hands-On Training: Put theory into practice with hands-on sessions where you’ll master Nordic walking techniques and gain insights into how to teach them effectively. You’ll also receive personalized feedback to refine your skills.

  5. Safety and Rehabilitation: Discover how Nordic walking can be a valuable tool in rehabilitation for individuals with long-term health conditions. Joanne, a retired nurse with extensive experience, will provide insights into rehabilitation walking techniques.

  6. Business Integration: Explore strategies for integrating Nordic walking into your fitness or health practice, whether you’re a personal trainer, physical therapist, or wellness coach.

  7. Certification: Upon completion of the course, you’ll receive a Nordic Fitness Ireland certification, demonstrating your expertise in Nordic walking to your clients and peers.

Your Trainers: Joanne and Tony Burke

With decades of combined experience in the healthcare and fitness industries, Joanne and Tony bring a wealth of knowledge to the course. Joanne specialises in rehabilitation walking, while Tony, a former ultra-marathon runner and Everest climber, focuses on Nordic running and event preparation. Their expertise ensures a well-rounded learning experience.

Locations and Availability

Our Skills Tutor 1-Day Course takes place at our headquarters in county Clare. We strive to make this training accessible to professionals across Ireland, so depending on demand other locations may be made available.

Join Us in Elevating Your Expertise

Invest in your professional development and enhance the services you offer to your clients by enrolling in our Skills Tutor 1-Day Course. Nordic walking is not just a fitness trend; it’s a proven method to improve overall health and well-being. Be at the forefront of this movement, and let us help you become a skilled Nordic walking instructor.

For course dates, pricing, and registration information, please contact us today. 

Elevate your fitness and health expertise with Nordic Fitness Ireland’s Skills Tutor 1-Day Course – the perfect addition to your toolkit as a health and fitness professional.