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Walking in the Sun

Staying Safe

It is looking like we will all be on a staycation again this year and whilst Ireland isn’t renowned for it’s hot sunny climate we do still need to protect ourselves from the effects of the sun and heat when out walking, to stay fit and healthy. Even if it appears overcast those harmful UV rays are still getting to our skin.

 Here are some tips for keeping cool and safe even when temperatures rise.

Tips for Staying Fit & Healthy as the Temperatures Rise

UV Protection

  • Protect your skin. Wear a high SPF sunscreen and don’t forget the back of your neck, the tip of your ears and your hands.  When you are using walking poles remember to add plenty of sunscreen to the inner forearms because these will be more open to the sun than when you have your arms by your sides. Re-apply cream regularly, especially if you sweat.
  • Wear UV protecting clothing. Some specially made shorts, t-shirts and shirts have a high SPF sun-protecting rating. It can be a better option to wear a shirt with long, loose-fitting sleeves than to try to protect skin with sun cream.

What to Wear

  • Wear lighter colours or white to reflect the hot sun, rather than darker or black clothes that tend to absorb the heat.
  • Look for fabrics that pledge to wick-away sweat. These fabrics do not actually wipe the sweat form your skin but they do allow an easier process of evaporation so you do not end up wet and clammy.
  • Wear looser clothing rather than tight and constricting outfits.
  • Wear a sun hat. A hat with a brim all the way round will keep more sun off your head, face and neck. Hats with a drop-down sunshade at the back are useful for when the sun’s heat is at your back. 
  • Wear sunglasses to protect the eyes from the harsh glare and UV rays of the sun
  • Avoid friction and rubs. These can occur when you sweat and usually happen where clothes are too tight or a rucksack strap rubs on bare skin. Your feet can be prone to more rubs and blisters when it is hot and sweaty. Sometimes it’s better to change your shoes for something lightweight or make sure you tape any vulnerable areas.

Stay Hydrated

  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. You could add rehydration sports tablets to the water to replace salts lost through sweating.
  • Consider an insulated water bottle with ice-cold water inside. This can be used for drinking and for mopping your hot brow.

Check out our page Walking & Water

When to Walk

  • Set off earlier in the day when it’s cooler to avoid the highest temperatures of the day.
  • If it’s set to be a very hot day, try to take a break from walking at the hottest point of the day when the sun is highest in the sky. This is around mid-day.
  • Manage your expectations. You might be keen to walk 25 miles each day but if the weather is too hot or sunny you might need to adjust your distances to suit. If you end up with sunstroke because you have spent too much time outdoors this will mean you have to take a break from walking for a day or two.

Where to Walk

Choosing your walks carefully on hot sunny days will help you to enjoy your walk even more.

Walking through woodlands has many benefits one of which is the trees providing shade from the sun.

When walking in the mountains choose the shady side of the valleys.

Walking next water including streamsrivers and lakes can have a cooling effect but be especially aware of sea breezes as this can mask the effects of the suns intensity. 

Wherever you choose where your sun protection. 

Check out our varied list of walks now.