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VHI Women’s Mini Marathon

What is the VHI Mini Marathon?

The Vhi Women’s Mini Marathon is a 10k road race, which takes place every June bank holiday weekend in Dublin city centre.  It is the largest women’s event of its kind in the world. So at Nordic Fitness Ireland we think this would be great to be part of.

In 1983, 9,000 women took part in the inaugural Women’s Mini Marathon, and the event reached a record attendance in 2014 with 41,006 women taking part.  A staggering 1.1 million women have entered the event over its 40 years. 

Hundreds of charities are also big winners.  Women taking part in the event choose which charity they will support and raise funds for, and any local causes gain vital funds from the event.  The Vhi Women’s Mini marathon is one of the largest one-day charity events in the country. So we will get our heads together to choose our charity.

When is the event?

Monday June 4th 2024

How to Enter

To take part in this challenge you must enter the event. There are a number of options to choose from which can be found on the VHI Mini Marathon events page


Following our training plan will help you to complete the 10K in a safe & enjoyable  manner.

You will gradually increase the distance you walk over the 12 week programme. We have also included some strength training sessions which helps to prevent injury as well as helping you  to enjoy the experience rather than just getting around it and suffering with aches and pains for days after the event.

You need to complete the 4 days per week as outlined in the training programme. Many of the sessions will be on our calendar  but if there is not a session on at a time to suit you or there is not a session scheduled, check in on the What’s app group to see if there is someone to walk with. We can advise on routes for the long walk if we don’t have one scheduled.  

On the ‘rest’ days consider either going for a gentle stroll, swimming, cycling or yoga. You are advised to have a rest day the day before your long walk.