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Working with Mna ag Gaire (Ennis Women's shed)

One of our social projects is with Mna ag Gaire, (Ennis Women’s Shed). Our initiative focuses on promoting health, fitness, and community engagement through a variety of fitness walking programmes. We have successfully implemented several programmes that combine the benefits of walking with targeted exercises, allowing participants to enhance their physical well-being while enjoying the great outdoors. 

Recently, we have established a vibrant community walking group, which brings together women from all walks of life. To ensure the sustainability of our efforts, we have trained a group of dedicated volunteer walk leaders who guide weekly walks, fostering a sense of camaraderie and support among participants. 

Join us on this incredible journey as we continue to build an ongoing, sustainable program that positively impacts the lives of individuals and strengthens our community.

What is Fitness Walking

Fitness Walking is a fun walking fitness session introducing people to the benefits of walking with poles. These classes are 30-45 mins have a simple uncomplicated format and get you using the fitness walking poles quickly and reaping the benefits without fuss. They are very popular for lunchtime or after work slots.

Participants will have enough proficiency to join our short walks using Exerstrider poles. For those who wish to progress to our longer and more challenging walks we would recommend undertaking our Nordic Walking programme.

Great for Community & Work Groups

Our introduction to fitness class is great for community groups who are looking for an outdoor fitness activity. Great opportunity for colleagues and friends to have a fitness walk with poles, chat and have fun and learn a new fitness skill. Using Exerstrider fitness poles you will get a full body workout while walking.

We have been running fitness walking classes with Mna ag Gaire (Ennis Women’s Shed) for the last few months. There is a great community atmosphere of up to 15 women getting together to laugh & chat and enjoy getting fitter with this outdoor exercise programme using Exerstrider fitness poles. Over the 4-6 week programme the women have improved their posture, balance and flexibility through walking and doing exercises using the poles. It really is a whole body workout!

The First to Bring Exerstriders to Ireland

We are delighted to be the first company in Ireland to bring the worlds first fitness walking poles to our shores.

Exerstrider poles were developed more than 30 years ago (it’s taking a while to get them to Ireland!) by Tom Ruthin in the USA. He created a “hybrid” exercise form that combines walking, and the exercise many experts consider the ultimate total body exercise – cross-country (or “Nordic”) skiing. By adding specially designed poles to walking along with a very simple, yet specific technique he developed this hybrid total body version of walking that allows optimal level of fitness without the ‘no pain, no gain ‘ label to get fit.

Exerstrider vs Nordic Walking

Fitness walking poles can be used to give yourself a better workout when walking, engaging your upper body as well as your hips and legs.  Exerstriding, and Nordic walking, are the two most recognised techniques for fitness walking. They each have different benefits and at Nordic Fitness Ireland we are trained to deliver both techniques and will work with you to ensure you have the right poles for reaching your goals.

Both fitness techniques are different from using trekking or Activator  poles which are mostly for used for stability, as is done when hiking or for people who use poles for balance and confidence in walking. Exerstriding and Nordic walking aim to burn more calories and work more muscles.

Exerstrider poles do not have straps or demi-gloves, while Nordic walking poles do. The straps or gloves on Nordic walking poles allow Nordic walkers to release the poles at the end of the backstroke and catch the grips as they move forward to the front stroke/pole plant.

Instead, exerstrider pole grips have a large flared portion of the grip. This grip comes into play with how the poles are designed to be used when planted.

In the Exerstriding technique, the walker extends the pole forwards and plant it while the arm is at the handshake position. The walker then pushes the pole firmly while stepping forward, like a pump handle. The flared bottom portion of the grip allows for putting pressure on the pole during this arm stroke. The walker keeps a grip on the pole handle at all times.

In Nordic walking, the poles are continuously angled backward and the pole plant comes when the arm is straight, then a more gentle resistance is given while stepping forward. The hand eventually releases the pole completely on the backstroke, with the glove or strap snapping the pole grip back into the palm as it comes forward.

Contact Us Today

and start your journey to fitness


+353 (0) 87 693 6903
