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Marion’s Inspirational Journey – A Story of Resilience and Triumph


Marion’s journey is nothing short of inspirational. As a seasoned running coach and Nordic walking instructor, she has always embodied the spirit of perseverance and an unwavering commitment to fitness. Her story is a testament to the incredible possibilities that open up when you embrace an active lifestyle, regardless of age.

The Beginning of a Remarkable Journey

Embracing Fitness in Her 40s

Marion’s journey into inspiration commenced in her late 40s when she set a goal for herself: completing a marathon before turning 50. This dream was achieved at the age of 49 when she crossed the finish line at the London Marathon. Marion became captivated by fitness as a means of leading a healthy life. She even enrolled in the BSc Sport Fitness Coaching & Instruction program at the Open University, earning her degree in her 50s. Little did she know that this decision would set the stage for extraordinary achievements.

From Coach to Mentor

Becoming a Running Coach and Nordic Walking Instructor

Marion’s passion and expertise in running, and later Nordic walking, enabled her to guide numerous individuals toward their fitness aspirations, reveling in their triumphs. Her dedication to her clients’ success fueled her own journey, continuously propelling her to set new challenges.

Conquering the Kerry Camino

Embracing the Irish Countryside

Marion joined our Nordic Fitness Ireland group to undertake the Kerry Camino, a demanding long-distance walking trail through the picturesque Irish countryside, spanning three challenging days. She proved to be an invaluable member of the group, leading spirited songs to motivate and encourage everyone to persevere.

Age is But a Number

Tour du Mont Blanc at 65

Marion’s list of adventures to conquer was far from complete. At the age of 65, an age when many contemplate slowing down, she embarked on the Tour du Mont Blanc. This iconic trek around the Mont Blanc massif is renowned for its breathtaking scenery and demanding trails. For Marion, it was an opportunity to demonstrate that age is merely a number and that one can achieve anything with dedication and passion.

Throughout the Tour du Mont Blanc, Marion’s Nordic walking skills and endurance were put to the ultimate test. She tackled steep ascents and descents, conquered high mountain passes, and savored every step of the journey. Her circumnavigation of the Mont Blanc massif became a symbol of defying age-related stereotypes, embodying endurance, determination, and the indomitable spirit that defined her character.


Marion’s journey serves as a poignant reminder that it’s never too late to pursue your passions and set new goals. With the right mindset, unwavering dedication, and expert guidance, greatness can be achieved at any stage of life. Marion’s story stands as a testament to the indomitable human spirit and the boundless potential residing within each of us.

Marion's Top Tip for Staying Fit

Just take that first step! Regardless of your age or fitness level, the key is to start and build upon your progress day by day, one step at a time. Most importantly, embrace happiness along the way.

Be Like Marion

If you have been inspired by Marion’s story then why not start your own journey to your next adventure and check out our Learn to Nordic Walk classes.